TT Electronics.
Each reflectve object sensor in the OPB708, OPB709, OPB740 through OPB746 and OPB740WZ through OPB746WZ series consists of an infrared emitng diode and a NPN silicon phototransistor or a photodarlington. The OPB747WZ and OPB748WZ consist of a Red visible LED and a low light level rejecton (RBE) NPN silicon phototransistor. The Red LED allows beter contrast rato when detectng Black marks on a White surface. All these devices are mounted side-by-side on converging optcal axes in a black plastc housing focusing on a small area and depth of feld.
• Focused for maximum sensitvity
• Phototransistor or photodarlington output
• Crosstalk does not exceed specifed ICEO
• 24” (610 mm) wire length
• 26 AWG wire size
• Non-contact reflectve object sensor
• Assembly line automaton
• Machine automaton
• Machine safety
• End of travel sensor
• Door sensor
• Thermal Paper Mark