Optek Technology
Each diode in this series is molded into an end-looking plastic package. The package for all OP168F and OP268F devices is black, whereas the package for all OP169 and OP269 packages is clear. OP168F and OP169 devices are GaAs. OP268F and OP269 devices are GaAIAs.
The OP268FPS is an 850nm gallium aluminum arsenide infrared emitting diode molded in a end-looking miniature plastic package. The advantage of this emitter is that it emits photons from a 0.004” area that is aligned with the package optical centerline. Unlike other GaAlAs emitters, this device performs more like an ideal point source and is suitable for use with lenses to create collimated light sources that can be used in a variety of applications.
Due to their small size, all diodes in this series offer considerable design flexibility.
The OP168F and OP268F series are mechanically and spectrally matched to the OP508F series phototransistor and the OP538F series photodarlingtons. The OP169 and OP269 series are mechanically and spectrally matched to the OP509 series phototransistors.
• Flat lens for wide radiation angle (OP168, OP268)
• Integral lens for narrow beam angle (OP169, OP269)
• Easily stackable on 0.100” (2.54 mm) hole centers
• Mechanically and spectrally matched to other OPTEK devices
• Space-limited applications
• Excellent design flexibility
• PCBoard mounted slotted switch
• PCBoard interrupter