Optek Technology
The chip contains a monolithic integrated circuit which incorporates a Hall element, a linear amplifier, and Schmitt trigger on a single silicon chip. Included on-chip is a bandgap voltage regulator to allow operation with a wide range of supply voltages. The device features logic level output and is capable of 25 mA of sink current. Output amplitude is constant at switching frequencies from DC to over 200 kHz.
• Lead finish is hot solder dip
• Her metic ceramic package
• Op er ates over a broad range of
sup ply voltages
• Ex cel lent tempera ture stabil ity to
op er ate in harsh envi ron ments
• Hall element, linear ampli fier, and
Schmitt trigger on a single Hallogic®
sili con chip
• Proc ess ing patterned after class B or
class S of MIL-STD- 883
• Suit able for military and space
ap pli ca tions