NTE Electronics
The NTE927D and NTE927SM are two–stage, differential input, differential output, wide–band video amplifiers. The use of internal series–shunt feedback gives wide band bandwidth with low phase distortion and high gain stability. Emitter–follower outputs provide a high current drive, low impedance capability. Its 120MHz bandwidth and selectable gains of 10, 100, and 400, without need for frequency compensation, make it a very useful circuit for memory element drivers, pulse amplifiers, and wide band gain stages.
● 120MHz Bandwidth
● 250kΩ Input Resistance
● No Frequency Compensation Required
● Selectable Gains of 10, 100 and 400
● High Common Mode Rejection Ratio at High Frequencies
● Magnetic Tape Systems
● Disk File Memories
● Thin and Thick Film Memories
● Woven and Plated Wire Memories
● Wide Band Video Amplifiers