NTE Electronics
The NTE7120 is a semiconductor integrated circuit in a 30–Lead DIP type package that has a built–in 3–channel amplifier with 50MHz band. Every channel is provided with a broad–band amplifier, main/sub contrast control, main/sub luminance (brightness) control, peaking, blanking, and peak limiter functions. Accordingly, this device is designed for use in high–resolution color display monitors.
● The employment of a new bi–polar wafer process makes it possible to reduce power dissipation, and 3 channels can be incorporated in this amplifier (VCC = 12V, ICC = 77mA)
● Input: 1VP–P (Typical) Output: VP–P (Maximum) Frequency Band: 50MHz
● Main and sub contrast and luminance controls are provided; the main control can change contrast and luminance at the same time for 3 channels, and the sub control can change them independently for each channel.
● The DC feedback circuit built in the IC can produce a stable DC level at the IC output pins.
● CRT Display