Japan Radio Corporation
NJG1707PG1 is a front-end IC for a digital cellular phone of 800MHz band. A 2x6 antenna switches and a low noise amplifier are included.
The parallel control signals of three bits logic connect T/R circuits to internal two antennas or external two antennas. The termination ports with external matching circuits make low interference between diversity antennas. The ultra small & thin FFP32-G1 package is adopted.
·Ultra small & thin package FFP32-G1 (Mount Size: 4.5x4.5x0.85mm)
·Antenna Switch
Low voltage operation -2.5V (Tx only) and +3.5V
Low current consumption 10uA typ. (Tx Mode, Pin=30dBm), 2uA typ. (Rx Mode, Pin=10dBm)
Low insertion loss 0.5dB typ. @(Tx-ANT1, Tx-EXT1) fin=960MHz, Pin=30dBm
Low Adjacent Channel -63dBc typ. @ VDD=+3.5V, VSS=-2.5V, fin=960MHz, Pin=30dBm
Leakage Power
·Low Noise Amplifier
Low voltage operation +2.7V typ.
Low current consumption +2.7mA typ.
Small signal gain 17.5dB typ. @f=820MHz
Low noise figure 1.4dB typ. @ f=820MHz
High input IP3 IIP3=-4.5dBm typ. OIP3=+13dBm typ. @f=820MHz+820.1MHz,