Philips Electronics
The 74F573 is an octal transparent latch coupled to eight 3-State output buffers. The two sections of the device are controlled independently by Enable (E) and Output Enable (OE) control gates. The 74F573 is functionally identical to the 74F373 but has a broadside pinout configuration to facilitate PC board layout and allow easy interface with microprocessors.
• 74F573 is broadside pinout version of 74F373
• 74F574 is broadside pinout version of 74F374
• Inputs and Outputs on opposite side of package allow easy interface to Microprocessors
• Useful as an Input or Output port for Microprocessors
• 3-State Outputs for Bus interfacing
• Common Output Enable
• 74F563 and 74F564 are inverting version of 74F573 and 74F574 respectively
• 3-State Outputs glitch free during power-up and power-down
• These are High-Speed replacements for N8TS805 and N8TS806