The MX805A is a sub-audio frequency signaling processor that provides outband audio and digital signaling capability for LMR systems. Designed for the transmission and non-predictive reception of Continuous Tone Controlled Squelch (CTCSS) tones and other non-standard frequencies, the MX805A also handles NonReturn-to Zero (NRZ) data reception and transmission to provide Digitally Coded Squelch (DCS/DPLTM) and LTR™ signaling.
● Non-predictive CTCSS Tone Decoder
● DCS Sub-Audio Signal demodulator
● CTCSS /NRZ Encoder with TX level
adjustment and lowpass filter output
stage with optional NRZ pre-emphasis
● Selectable Sub-Audio bandstop filter
● NoTone (CTCSS RX) period timer
● Low Power Operation
● Member of DBS800 Family (C-BUS Compatible)