The MX469 is a full-duplex pin-selectable 1200/2400/4800bps Minimum Shift Key (MSK) Modem for FM radio links. The mark and space frequencies are 1200/1800, 1200/2400, and 2400/4800Hz respectively. Tone frequencies are phase continuous; transitions occur at the zero crossing point. The use of a common Xtal oscillator with a choice of two clock frequencies (1.008MHz or 4.032MHz) provides data-rate, transmit frequencies, and RX/TX synchronization. The transmitter and receiver operate entirely independently including individual section powersave functions.
• Selectable Data Rates 1200/2400/4800bps
• Full-Duplex MSK
• RX and TX Bandpass Filters
• Clock Recovery and Carrier Detect Capabilities
• Pin Selected Xtal/Clock Inputs 1.008MHz or 4.032MHz
• Radio and General Applications
• Data-Over-Radio
• PMR/Cellular Signaling
• Portable Data Terminals
• Personal/Cordless Telephone