Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
The MT9088x is a family of highly functional TDM to Packet bridging devices. It provides a bridge between a WAN environment based on constant bit rate TDM streams and a packet domain based on Ethernet technology.
• WAN interface, consisting of 32 input and output streams at 2.048 or 8.192 Mbs
• Up to 1024 bi-directional 64 Kbs channels
• N * 64 Kbs trunking of channels across any stream and channel
• 1 K by 1 K non-blocking TDM switch
• Local TDM interface, with 32 streams at 2.048, 4.096 and 8.192 Mbs
• Flexible, multi-protocol packet encapsulation
• Dual 100 Mbs MII interfaces for redundancy or for load balancing
• Quality of service features, including weighted fair queuing, strict priority and queue size limit thresholds
• High performance 33 MHz / 66 MHz 32 bit PCI bus
• Integral Stratum 4E PLL for synchronisation to the
TDM domain
• Power consumption of less than 0.75 W
• Packet backplane interconnection
• Circuit Emulation over packet domain
• Internet Off-load
• Remote Access Concentrators
• H.100/H.110 extension and expansion