Oki Electric Industry
The MSM64162 is a low power 4-bit microcontroller that employs Okis original CPU core nX-4/20.
The MSM64162 has 2-channel RC oscillation type A/D converter, LCD driver for up to 80 segments, and buzzer output port. It is best suited for applications such as low power, high precision thermometers and hygrometers.
• Operating range
Operating frequencies : 32.768 kHz, 400 kHz
Operating voltage : 1.25 to 1.7 V (1.5 V spec.)
2.0 to 3.5 V (3 V spec.)
2.2 to 3.5 V (3 V spec., 1/2 duty)
Operating temperature : –40 to +85°C
• Memory space
Internal program memory : 2016 bytes
Internal data memory : 128 nibbles
• Minimum instruction execution time : 7.5 ms @ 400 kHz
91.6 ms @ 32.768 kHz
• RC oscillation type A/D converter : 2 channels
• LCD driver : 24 outputs; duty ratio switchable by software
(1) At 1/4 duty and 1/3 bias : 80 segments (max)
(2) At 1/3 duty and 1/3 bias : 63 segments (max)
(3) At 1/2 duty and 1/2 bias : 44 segments (max)
• Buzzer driver : 1 output (4 output modes selectable)
• Capture circuit : 2 channels
• Watchdog timer
• Clock : 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and 400 kHz RC
oscillator (with an external resistor)
CPU clock : 32.768 kHz/400 kHz (switchable by software)
Time base clock : 32.768 kHz
• Power supply voltage : 1.5 V/3 V (selectable by mask option)
• I/O port
Input-output port : 2 ports x 4 bits
Input port : 1 port x 4 bits
Output port : 1 port x 4 bits
(8 out of the 24 LCD driver outputs can be used
as output-only ports by mask option.)
• Interrupt sources
External interrupt : 2 sources
Internal interrupt : 7 sources
• Battery check circuit : 1 (incorporated into the input-only port)
• Package options:
64-pin plastic QFP (QFP64-P-1420-1.00-BK) : (Product name : MSM64162-XXXGS-BK)
80-pin plastic QFP (QFP80-P-1420-0.80-BK) : (Product name : MSM64162-XXXGS-BK-F)
Chip : (Product name : MSM64162-XXX)
XXX indicates a code number.