Oki Electric Industry
The OKI MSM534052E is a 262,144-words x 16-bit or 1,048,576-Bytes x 8-bit CMOS Mask ROM with an asynchronous page read mode. Each page is organized 8 words x 16-bit or 16 words x 8-bit. It operates on a single 5.0V power supply and is TTL compatible. The chips asynchronous I/O requires no external clock assuring easy operation. A power-down mode provides low power dissipation when the chip is not selected. The CE and OE pins are provided as control signals that permit three-stated output allowing easy memory expansion on a system bus.The MSM534052E is suited for use as large capacity fixed memory for microcomputers and data terminals.
● Single 5.0V power supply
● 262,144-words x 16-bit / 524,288-Bytes x 8-bit
● 8-words(A2,A1,A0) or 16-Bytes(A2,A1,A0,A-1) / Page
● Access time
80ns Max (Normal access)
50ns Max (Page access)
● Input/Output TTL compatible
● Tri-State output configurations
● Internal powerdown function
● Packages:
40-PIN PLASTIC DIP (DIP40-P-600-2.54) (MSM534052E-xxRS)
40-PIN PLASTIC SOP (SOP40-P-525-1.27-K) (MSM534052E-xxGS-AK)
44-PIN PLASTIC TSOP (TSOPII44-P-400-0.80-K) (MSM534052E-xxTS-AK)