Anaren Microwave
The MSK4201 is a complete H-Bridge MCM to be used for DC brushed motor control or Class D switchmode amplifier. All of the drive/control circtuitry for the lowside and highside switches are internal to the MCM . The user provides a TTL compatible PWM signal for simultaneous amplitude and direction control in four quadrant mode. The internal drive circuitry will provide proper deadtime/shoot-through protection for each half-bridge. All N-channel FETs mean the best efficiency for the size, both in terms of on-resistance and switching capability. For an idle/sleep mode, or for fault protection, a TTL compatible disable pin is provided so as to shut down all four transistors. The MSK4201 is packaged in a space efficient isolated 8 pin TO-3 that can be directly connected to a heatsink.
• Low Cost Complete H-Bridge
• 28 Volt, 5 Amp Capability, 75 Volt Maximum Rating
• Self-contained Smart Lowside/Highside Drive Circuitry
• Internal Deadtime Generation, Shoot-through Protection
• Output Disable/Shutdown Capability
• Isolated Case Allows Direct Heatsinking
• Four Quadrant Operation, Torque Control Capability
• Available Fully Screened and Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534
• Replaces SA-51
• Available to DLA SMD 5962-97629