Mosel Vitelic Corporation
The MS7200L/7201AL/7202AL are dual-port static RAM based CMOS First-In/First-Out (FIFO) memories organized in nine-bit wide words. The devices are configured so that data is read out in the same sequential order that it was written in. Additional expansion logic is provided to allow for unlimited expansion of both word size and depth.
■ First-In/First-Out static RAM based dual port memory
■ Three densities in a x9 configuration
■ Low power versions
■ Includes empty, full, and half full status flags
■ Direct replacement for industry standard Mostek and IDT
■ Ultra high-speed 30 MHz FIFOs available with 33 ns cycle times.
■ Fully expandable in both depth and width
■ Simultaneous and asynchronous read and write
■ Auto retransmit capability
■ TTL compatible interface, single 5V ± 10% power supply
■ Available in 28 pin 300 mil and 600 mil plastic DIP, 32 Pin PLCC and 330 mil SOG