General Description
The MICRF218 is a 3.0V to 3.6V, 300MHz to 450MHz ASK/OOK super-heterodyne receiver with user selectable Intermediate Frequency (IF) Bandwidths of 550kHz or 1500kHz at 433.92MHz, making it an excellent solution for use with low-cost SAW-based transmitters or transmitters which use low-cost, medium grade (~30ppm) crystals. The device requires a single, low-cost crystal to select the proper RF frequency, integrated Automatic Gain Control (AGC), data slicer, and programmable baseband filter bandwidths of 1.6kHz to 13kHz allowing the device to support bit-rates up to 20kbps at 433.92MHz.
• Fully integrated 300 to 450MHz ASK/OOK Receiver
• No external IF Filter Required
• Wide IF-Bandwidth filter supports reception of SAW based and medium-grade (~30ppm) transmitter
• Sensitivity at 433.92MHz at 1kbps with 0.1% BER
o -108dBm sensitivity with 550kHz IF Bandwidth
o -106dBm sensitivity with 1500kHz IF Bandwidth
• Low-Supply Current
o 4.0mA at 315MHz
o 5.5mA at 433.92MHz
o 1µA low-power shutdown mode
• Data Rates to 10 kbps (Manchester Encoded) @ 433.92 MHz
• Duty Cycling Capable > 100:1 (shut down mode)
• 60dB Analog Received Signal Strength Indicator
• 16-pin QSOP (4.9mm x 6.0mm) package