The MH2M365CXJ/CNXJ is 2097152-word x 36-bits dynamic RAM. This consists of four industry standard 1M x 16 dynamic RAMs in SOJ and two industry 1M x 4 dyanmic RAMs in SOJ.
The mounting of SOJ on a single in-line package provides any application where high densities and large quantities of memory are required. This is a socket-type memory module,suitable for easy interchange or addition of modules.
• 72pin single in-line package
• Single 5.0V ± 10% supply
• Low stand-by power dissipation
33mW (Max) --------------------- CMOS lnput level
• Low operating power dissipation
MH2M365CXJ/CNXJ- 5 --------------------- 2.69W (Max)
MH2M365CXJ/CNXJ- 6 --------------------- 2.22W (Max)
MH2M365CXJ/CNXJ- 7 --------------------- 1.92W (Max)
• Hyper-page mode , RAS-only refresh , CAS before RAS refresh, Hidden refresh capabilities
• All inputs and output directly TTL compatible 1024 refresh cycles every 16.4ms (A0 ~ A9)
Main memory unit for computers, Microcomputer memory, Refresh memory for CRT