Freescale Semiconductor
The i.MX27 and i.MX27L (MCIMX27/MX27L) Multimedia Applications Processors represents the next step in low-power, high-performance application processors. Unless otherwise specified, the material in this data sheet is applicable to both the i.MX27 and i.MX27L processors and referred to singularly throughout this document as i.MX27.
The MX27/MX27L processors are targeted for video and voice over-IP (V2IP) and smart remote controllers. It also provides low-power solutions for any high-performance and demanding multimedia and graphics applications.
The systems include the following features:
• Multi-standard video codec (i.MX27 only)
— MPEG-4 part-II simple profile encoding/decoding
— H.264/AVC baseline profile encoding/decoding
— H.263 P3 encoding/decoding
— Multi-party call: one stream encoding and two streams decoding simultaneously
— Multi-format: encodes MPEG-4 bitstream, and decodes H.264 bitstream simultaneously
— On-the-fly video processing that reduces system memory load (for example, the power-efficient viewfinder application with no involvement of either the memory system or the ARM CPU)
• Advanced power management (i.MX27/27L)
— Dynamic process and temperature compensation
— Multiple clock and power domains
— Independent gating of power domains
• Multiple communication and expansion ports