ON Semiconductor
Quad Analog Switch/Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
High−Performance Silicon−Gate CMOS
The MC74HC4066A utilizes silicon−gate CMOS technology to achieve fast propagation delays, low ON resistances, and low OFF−channel leakage current. This bilateral switch/multiplexer/demultiplexer controls analog and digital voltages that may vary across the full power−supply range (from VCC to GND).
The HC4066A is identical in pinout to the metal−gate CMOS MC14016 and MC14066. Each device has four independent switches. The device has been designed so the ON resistances (RON) are more linear over input voltage than RON of metal−gate CMOS analog switches.
The ON/OFF control inputs are compatible with standard CMOS outputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LSTTL outputs. For analog switches with voltage−level translators, see the HC4316A.
• Fast Switching and Propagation Speeds
• High ON/OFF Output Voltage Ratio
• Low Crosstalk Between Switches
• Diode Protection on All Inputs/Outputs
• Wide Power−Supply Voltage Range (VCC − GND) = 2.0 to 12.0 V
• Analog Input Voltage Range (VCC − GND) = 2.0 to 12.0 V
• Improved Linearity and Lower ON Resistance over Input Voltage than the MC14016 or MC14066
• Low Noise
• Chip Complexity: 44 FETs or 11 Equivalent Gates
• Pb−Free Packages are Available