Freescale Semiconductor
The MC68HC05X4 with on-board controller area network (CAN) module is designed around the industry standard M68HC05 CPU core with its familiar and efficient instruction set. The Motorola CAN module (MCAN) is complete with line interface circuitry, comprising output drivers, input comparators and a VDD/2 generator. The module can handle all the communication transactions flowing across a serial bus structure with minimal CPU intervention. Other features of the device include a 16-bit programmable timer, a 15-stage multi-purpose core timer and a computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer. The MC68HC05X4 has two modes of operation, namely single chip and bootloader mode.
• Fully static design featuring the industry standard M68HC05 core
• On-chip oscillator with divide-by-2 or divide-by-10 option
• 4096 bytes of ROM (MC68HC05X4); 4096 bytes EPROM (MC68HC705X4)
• 176 bytes of RAM
• Single chip and bootloader modes of operation
• Power saving STOP and WAIT modes
• Motorola controller area network module (MCAN) with line interface circuitry (output drivers, input comparators, VDD/2 generator)
• Extended temperature range: – 40°C to +125°C
• 16-bit programmable timer with input capture and output compare
• Multi-purpose core timer with computer operating properly (COP) watchdog and real time interrupt (RTI)
• Four hardware and one software interrupt sources
• 16 bi-directional I/O lines with wired-OR interrupt (WOI) capability
• Mask options for oscillator division ratio and COP disable
• 28-pin SOIC package