Motorola => Freescale
The MC68HC05X16 microcomputer (MCU) is a member of Motorola’s MC68HC05 family of low-cost single chip microcomputers. This 8-bit MCU contains an on-board controller area network module (MCAN), complete with interface circuitry, comprising output drivers, input comparators and a VDD/2 generator. In addition, the device contains an on-chip oscillator, CPU, RAM, ROM, EEPROM, A/D converter, pulse length modulated outputs, I/O, serial communications interface, programmable timer system and watchdog. The fully static design allows operation at frequencies down to dc, reducing power consumption to a few micro-amps.
Hardware features
• Fully static design featuring the industry standard M68HC05 family CPU core
• On chip crystal oscillator with divide-by -2, -4, -8 or -10, or a software selectable divide-by -32, -64, -128 or -160 option (SLOW mode)
• 352 bytes of RAM
• 15102 bytes of user ROM plus 16 bytes of user vectors
• 256 bytes of byte erasable EEPROM with internal charge pump and security bit
• Write/erase protect bit for 224 of the 256 bytes EEPROM
• Bootstrap firmware
• Power saving STOP, WAIT and SLOW modes
• Three 8-bit parallel I/O ports and one 8-bit input-only port; wired-OR interrupt capability on all port B pins
• Motorola controller area network (MCAN) with line interface circuitry
• Software option available to output the internal E-clock to port pin PC2
• 16-bit timer with 2 input captures and 2 output compares
• Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer
• Serial communications interface system (SCI) with independent transmitter/receiver baud rate selection; receiver wake-up function for use in multi-receiver systems
• 8 channel A/D converter
• 2 pulse length modulation systems which can be used as D/A converters
• One interrupt request input plus 4 on-board hardware interrupt sources
• 2.2 MHz bus speed
• –40 to +125°C temperature range
• Available in 64-pin quad flat pack (QFP) package
• Complete development system support available using the MMDS05 or M68MMPFB0508 development station with the M68EML05X32 emulation module or the M68HC05XEVS evaluation system
The MC68HC05X16 has six mask options that are programmed during manufacture and must be specified on the order form.
• Oscillator division ratio selection (divide-by-2, -4, -8 or -10)
• Oscillator start-up delay following power-on or STOP (tPORL) = 16 or 4064 cycles
• Automatic watchdog enable/disable following a power-on or external reset
• Watchdog enable/disable during WAIT mode
• Wired-OR interrupt enable
• Resistive pull-downs on ports B and/or C