M52739FP is integrated Circuit for LCD Display Monitor. It is controlled IIC BUS and Band Wide is 180MHz. It includes OSD Blanking ,OSD Mixing,Wide Band Amplifier,Main/Sub Contrast Main/Sub Brightness ,and 2 Input routes.
Vcc Voltage is 5V and Flat package is used. then it is the suitable to LCD monitor.
1. Frequency : RGB 180MHz(at -3dB)
Band Width OSD 80MHz
2. Input :
RGB Input D range:Max1VP-P positive
2 input routes is changed by IIC BUS
RGB OSD 3.5VP-P 5.0VP-P(positive)
3. Output : OSD BLK 3.5VP-P 5.0VP-P(positive)
RGB 2.2VP-P (Max)
OSD 2.0VP-P (Max)
4. Contrast :
Output dynamic range 0.5 3.0V
It can drive 14pF
5. Brightness :
Both of sub and main contrast
are controlled by IIC Bus(8bit).
Control Range :-15dB +15dB.
6. OSD Adjust :
Both of sub and main contrast
are controlled by IIC Bus(8bit).
Control Range :0.5V 3.0V.
2 Control Ranges (Max1VP-P or Max2VP-P )
are able to be changed by IIC Bus.