[NKK Switches]
Distinctive Characteristics
Antirotation design, standard on noncylindrical levers, mates toggle and bushing; bottom of toggle has two flatted sides which fit into a complementary opening inside bushing.
Antijamming design protects contacts from damage due to excessive downward force on actuator.
High torque bushing construction prevents rotation or separation from frame during installation.
High insulating barriers increase isolation of circuits in multipole devices and provide added protection to contact points.
Molded diallyl phthalate case has a UL flammability rating of 94V-0.
Epoxy sealed terminals prevent entry of solder flux and other contaminants.
Prominent external insulating barriers increase insulation resistance and dielectric strength.
Interlocked actuator block, lever, and interior guide prevent switch failure due to biased lever movement.
Clinching of frame to case well above base and terminals provides 1,500V dielectric strength.