Linear Technology
The LTC®4011 provides a complete, cost-effective nickel battery fast charge solution in a small package using few external components. A 550kHz PWM current source controller and all necessary charge initiation, monitoring and termination control circuitry are included.
Complete NiMH/NiCd Charger for 1 to 16 Cells
No Microcontroller or Firmware Required
550kHz Synchronous PWM Current Source Controller
No Audible Noise with Ceramic Capacitors
PowerPath™ Control Support
Programmable Charge Current: 5% Accuracy
Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 34V
Automatic Trickle Precharge
–∆V Fast Charge Termination
Optional ∆T/∆t Fast Charge Termination
Automatic NiMH Top-Off Charge
Programmable Timer
Automatic Recharge
Multiple Status Outputs
Micropower Shutdown
20-Lead Thermally Enhanced TSSOP Package
Integrated or Standalone Battery Charger
Portable Instruments or Consumer Products
Battery-Powered Diagnostics and Control
Back-Up Battery Management