Linear Technology
The LTC®3532 is a high efficiency, fi xed frequency, buckboost DC/DC converter that operates from input voltages above, below or equal to the output voltage. The topology incorporated in the IC provides a continuous transfer function through all operating modes, making the product ideal for single lithium-ion, multicell alkaline or NiMH applications where the output voltage is within the battery voltage range.
■ Single Inductor
■ Regulated Output with Input Voltages Above, Below
or Equal to the Output
■ Wide VIN Range: 2.4V to 5.5V
■ VOUT Range: 2.4V to 5.25V
■ Up to 500mA Peak Output Current
■ Synchronous Rectifi cation: Up to 95% Effi ciency
■ Manual or Programmable Automatic Burst Mode®
■ Output Disconnect in Shutdown
■ Programmable Oscillator: 300kHz to 2MHz
■ Pin Compatible with LTC3440
■ Small Thermally Enhanced 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm)
DFN and 10-Lead MSOP Packages
■ Miniature Hard Disk Drive Power Supply
■ MP3 Players
■ Handheld Instruments
■ Digital Cameras
■ Handheld Terminals