Linear Technology
The LTC®1040 is a monolithic CMOS dual comparator manufactured using Linear Technology’s enhanced LTCMOSTM silicon gate process. Extremely low operating power levels are achieved by internally switching the comparator ON for short periods of time. The CMOS output logic holds the output information continuously while not consuming any power.
■ Micropower
1.5µW (1 Sample/Second)
■ Power Supply Flexibility
Single Supply 2.8V to 16V
Split Supply ±2.8V to ±8V
■ Guaranteed Max Offset 0.75mV
■ Guaranteed Max Tracking Error Between Input Pairs ± 0.1%
■ Input Common Mode Range to Both Supply Rails
■ TTL/CMOS Compatible with ±5V or Single 5V Supply
■ Input Errors are Stable with Time and Temperature
■ Battery-Powered Systems
■ Remote Sensing
■ Window Comparator
■ BANG-BANG Controllers