Filtronic PLC
The LP7612 is an Aluminum Gallium Arsenide / Indium Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs/InGaAs) Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (PHEMT), utilizing an Electron-Beam directwrite 0.25 mm by 200 mm Schottky barrier gate. The recessed “mushroom” gate structure minimizes parasitic gate-source and gate resistances. The epitaxial structure and processing have been optimized for high dynamic range. The LP7612 also features Si3N4 passivation and is available in a P70 ceramic package.
Typical applications include high dynamic range receiver preamplifiers for commercial applications including Cellular/PCS systems, WLL and WLAN systems, and broadband amplifiers.
♦ 21 dBm Output Power at 1-dB Compression at 18 GHz
♦ 9.5 dB Power Gain at 18 GHz
♦ 1.0 dB Noise Figure at 18 GHz
♦ 55% Power-Added Efficiency