Sharp Electronics
8M-BIT ( 512Kbit ×16 / 1Mbit ×8 ) Boot Block Flash MEMORY
The product is a high-density, low-cost, nonvolatile, read/write storage solution for a wide range of applications.
The product can operate at VCC=2.7V-3.6V and VCCW=2.7V-3.6V or 11.7V-12.3V. Its low voltage operation capability realize battery life and suits for cellular phone application.
Its Boot, Parameter and Main-blocked architecture, low voltage and extended cycling provide for highly flexible component suitable for portable terminals and personal computers. Its enhanced suspend capabilities provide for an ideal solution for code + data storage applications.
■ Low Voltage Operation
― VCC=VCCW=2.7V-3.6V Single Voltage
■ OTP(One Time Program) Block
― 3963 word + 4 word Program only array
■ User-Configurable ×8 or ×16 Operation
■ High-Performance Read Access Time
― 90ns(VCC=2.7V-3.6V)
■ Operating Temperature
― -40°C to +85°C
■ Low Power Management
― Typ. 2µA (VCC=3.0V) Standby Current
― Automatic Power Savings Mode Decreases ICCR in Static Mode
― Typ. 120µA (VCC=3.0V, TA=+25°C, f=32kHz) Read Current
■ Optimized Array Blocking Architecture
― Two 4K-word (8K-byte) Boot Blocks
― Six 4K-word (8K-byte) Parameter Blocks
― Fifteen 32K-word (64K-byte) Main Blocks
― Top Boot Location
■ Extended Cycling Capability
― Minimum 100,000 Block Erase Cycles
■ Enhanced Automated Suspend Options
― Word/Byte Write Suspend to Read
― Block Erase Suspend to Word/Byte Write
― Block Erase Suspend to Read
■ Enhanced Data Protection Features
― Absolute Protection with VCCW≤VCCWLK
― Block Erase, Full Chip Erase, Word/Byte Write and Lock-Bit Configuration Lockout during Power Transitions
― Block Locking with Command and WP#
― Permanent Locking
■ Automated Block Erase, Full Chip Erase, Word/Byte Write and Lock-Bit Configuration
― Command User Interface (CUI)
― Status Register (SR)
■ SRAM-Compatible Write Interface
■ Industry-Standard Packaging
― 48-Lead TSOP
■ ETOXTM* Nonvolatile Flash Technology
■ CMOS Process (P-type silicon substrate)
■ Not designed or rated as radiation hardened