SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC75281E is a four-band stereoparametric equalizer. A parametric equalizer is a fully general equalizer that allows all three parameters that define an equalizer’s characteristics, i.e., the center frequency, gain, and Q, to be set independently.
• Four-band (low, low mid, high mid, and high) left and right channels parametric equalizer
• For each band:
Center frequency : 11 positions
Gain: 13 positions in ±2dB steps
Q: Variable over 8 positions
• The center frequency, gain, and Q control settings are set using serial data input in the CCB format.
• A parametric equalizer with the following features can be implemented with just two ICs: this IC and a microcontroller.
• The center frequency, gain, and Q can be controlled by a single operation.
• Memory recall by a single operation can be implemented using preset values.
• Either shelving or peaking characteristics can be selected for the low band.