SANYO -> Panasonic
This 27 MHz band, PLL frequency synthesizer LSI chip is designed specifically for CB transceivers.
The specifications are suited for use in U.S.A.(FCC).
The LC7185-8750 incorporates PLL circuitry and a controller for CB applications on a single CMOS chip. The controller handles the PLL circuitry, frequency data ROM, channel preset/recall RAM, and LED display driver. It also supports channel scan, channel preset/recall, and emergency channel call.
1. A built-in programmable divider for the 16 MHz VCO
2. Transmission is inhibited when the PLL is unlocked (digital lock monitor).
3. Direct channel 9 or 19 selection (sliding switch)
4. A 7-segment, 2-character LED display
5. ‘‘PA’’ is displayed in public announcement mode.
6. Output beep-tone control circuitry
7. Up to 5 channel settings can be stored in memory.
8. 4 × 3 key matrix implementation