SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC65F1306A belongs to our 4-bit single-chip microcontroller LC6500 series fabricated using CMOS process technology. They are ideally suited for use in small-scale control applications. Their basic architecture and instruction set are the same. These microcontrollers include an 8-input 8-bit A/D converter and are appropriate for use in a wide range of applications. That range includes applications with a small number of control circuits that were previously implemented in standard logic, and applications with a larger scale such as home appliances, automotive equipment, communications equipment, office equipment, and audio equipment such as decks and players. This microcontroller, with some exceptions, has identical functions to the LC651306A, 1304A, 1302A and 1301A mask ROM version microcontrollers. It can also be used as an OTP version microcontroller. Further, through a rewrite operation on the FLASH memory, the LC65F1306A can be used in applications where previously microcontrollers of this type could not have been implemented.
1) CMOS technology for a low-power consumption operation
(A standby function that can be invoked under program
control is also provided.)
2) Flash ROM/RAM
LC65F1306A Flash ROM : 6K × 8 bits, RAM : 256 × 4 bits
3) Instruction set : 81 instructions common to
all microcontrollers of the LC6500 series
4) Wide operating voltage range : 3.0 V to 5.5 V
5) Instruction cycle time : 0.92 µs
6) On-chip serial I/O port