SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC651154N/F/L and the LC651152N/F/L are the small-scale control application versions of Sanyo’s LC6500 series of 4-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers, and feature the same basic architecture and instruction set.
• Fabricated in a CMOS process for low power (A standby function that can be invoked under program control is also provided.)
LC651154N/F/L — ROM: 4K ×8 bits,
RAM: 256 ×4 bits
LC651152N/F/L — ROM: 2K ×8 bits,
RAM: 256 ×4 bits
• Instruction set: The 80-instruction set common to the LC6500 family
• Wide operating supply voltage range: 2.2 to 6.0 V (L versions)
• Instruction cycle time: 0.92 µs (F versions)
• On-chip serial I/O function
• Flexible I/O ports
— Number of ports: 6 ports with a total of 22 pins
— All ports:
· Are I/O ports
· I/O voltage handling capacity: 15 V (maximum) (Open-drain specification C, D, E, and F ports only)
· Output current: 20 mA (maximum) sink current (Are capable of directly driving an LED.)
— Support options to match application system specifications
A. Open-drain output, internal pull-up resistor specification: All ports, in bit units
B. Output level at reset specification: Ports C and D can be specified to go to the high or low level in 4-bit units.
• Interrupt function
— Timer interrupts through an interrupt vector (Can be tested under program control)
— INT pin and serial I/O full/empty interrupts through an interrupt vector (Can be tested under program control)
• Stack levels: 8 (Shared with the interrupt system.)
• Timers: 4-bit variable prescaler and 8-bit programmable timers
• Clock oscillator options that match a wide range of system specifications
— Oscillator circuit options:
Two-pin RC oscillator (N and L versions)
Two-pin ceramic oscillator (N, F, and L versions)
— Clock divider circuit options: No divider, built-in divide-by-3, built-in divide-by-4 (N and L versions)
• Continuous square wave output (with a period 64 times the cycle time)
• A/D converter (successive approximation)
— 8-bit precision with 8 input channels
• Watchdog timer