Oki Electric Industry
The KGF1175B is a small-signal amplifier, for frequencies ranging from the UHF-band to the Lband, that features low noise and low current operation. The KGF1175B specifications are guaranteed to a fixed matching circuit for 5 V and 850 MHz; external impedance-matching circuits are also required. Because of the one-input dual gate configuration, low noise, and low operating current, the KGF1175B is ideal as a receiving-stage head amplifier for personal handy phones.
The KGF1175 is an amplifier similar to the KGF1175B in specifications and typical properties. Although possessing S Parameters that are slightly different from those of the KGF1175B, the KGF1175 meets the specifications for the KGF1175B, even with the same matching circuits as those of the KGF1175B.
• Low current operation: 2.5 mA (max.)
• High output power: 3 dBm (min.)
• Low noise: 2 dB (max.)
• Self-bias circuit configuration with built-in source capacitor
• Package: 4PSOP