Teccor Electronics
General Description
The Sidac is a silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch with greater power-handling capabilities than standard diacs. Upon application of a voltage exceeding the Sidac breakover voltage point, the Sidac switches on through a negative resistance region to a low on-state voltage. Conduction will continue until the current is interrupted or drops below the minimum holding current of the device.
Teccor offers the complete voltage range (95-330) over three different packages:
• TO-92 (95-280 volts)
• Axial lead DO-15X (95-280 volts)
• Surface Mount DO-214AA (95-280 volts)
• TO-202AB (190-330 volts)
Teccor’s Sidacs feature glass passivated junctions to ensure a rugged and dependable device capable of withstanding harsh environments.
Variations of devices covered in this data sheet are available for custom design applications. Please consult the factory for more information.
• AC circuit oriented
• Glass-passivated junctions
• High surge current capability
• High voltage lamp ignitors
• Natural gas ignitors
• Gas oil ignitors
• High voltage power supplies
• Xenon ignitors
• Over voltage protector
• Pulse generators
• Fluorescent lighting ignitors
• HID lighting ignitors