Integrated Silicon Solution
The IS25LQ020/040 is 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Flash memories, providing single-, dual or quad-output. The devices are designed to support a 33 MHz fclock rate in normal read mode, and 104 MHz in fast read (Quad output is 100MHz), the fastest in the industry. The devices use a single low voltage power supply, ranging from 2.3 Volt to 3.6 Volt, to perform read, erase and program operations. The devices can be programmed in standard EPROM programmers.
• Single Power Supply Operation
- Low voltage range: 2.3 V - 3.6 V
• Memory Organization
- IS25LQ020: 256K x 8 (2 Mbit)
- IS25LQ040: 512K x 8 (4 Mbit)
• Cost Effective Sector/Block Architecture
- 2Mb / 4Mb : Uniform 4KByte sectors / sixteen uniform 64KByte blocks
• Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Compatible
- Supports single-, dual- or quad-output
- Supports SPI Modes 0 and 3
- Maximum 33 MHz clock rate for normal read
- Maximum 104 MHz clock rate for fast read
- Maximum 208MHz clock rate equivalent Dual SPI
- Maximum 400MHz clock rate equivalent Quad SPI
• Byte Program Operation
- Typical 10 us/Byte
• Page Program (up to 256 Bytes) Operation
- Maximum 0.7ms per page program
• Sector, Block or Chip Erase Operation
- Sector Erase (4KB) → 150ms (Typ)
- Block Erase (64KB) → 500ms (Typ)
- Chip Erase → 0.5s (2Mb)
- Chip Erase → 1s (4Mb)
• Low Power Consumption
- Max 12 mA active read current
- Max 20 mA program/erase current
- Max 50 uA standby current
• Hardware Write Protection
- Protect and unprotect the device from write operation by Write Protect (WP#) Pin
• Software Write Protection
- The Block Protect (BP3, BP2, BP1, BP0) bits allow partial or entire memory to be configured as read-only
• High Product Endurance
- Guaranteed 100,000 program/erase cycles per single sector
- Minimum 20 years data retention
• Industrial Standard Pin-out and Package
- 8-pin SOIC 208mil
- 8-pin SOIC 150mil
- 8-pin VVSOP 150mil
- 8-pin WSON (5x6mm)
- 8-pin USON (2x3mm)
- KGD (Call Factory)
- Lead-free (Pb-free) package
- Automotive Temperature Ranges Available
• Additional 256-byte Security information onetime programmable (OTP) area
• Special protect function
- Safe guard function (Appendix 1)
- Sector unlock function (Appendix