Infineon Technologies
The IL74 is an optically coupled pair with a Gallium Arsenide infrared LED and a silicon NPN phototransistor. Signal information, including a DC level, can be transmitted by the device while maintaining a high degree of electrical isolation between input and output. The IL74 is especially designed for driving medium-speed logic, where it may be used to eliminate troublesome gound loop and noise problems. Also it can be used to replace relays and transformers in many digital interface applications, as well as analog applications such as CRT modulation.
The ILD74 has two isolated channels in a single DIP package; the ILQ74 has four isolated channels per package.
• 7400 Series T2L Compatible
• Transfer Ratio, 35% Typical
• Coupling Capacitance, 0.5 pF
• Single, Dual, & Quad Channel
• Industry Standard DIP Package
• Underwriters Lab File #E52744
• VDE Approvals #0884
(Optional with Option 1, Add -X001 Suffix)