Integrated Circuit Systems
The ICS83940D is a low skew, 1-to-18 LVPECLto-LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffer and a member of the HiPerClockS™ family of High Performance Clock Solutions from ICS. The ICS83940D has two selectable clock inputs. The PCLK, nPCLK pair can accept LVPECL, CML, or SSTL input levels. The LVCMOS_CLK can accept LVCMOS or LVTTL input levels. The low impedance LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs are designed to drive 50Ω series or parallel terminated transmission lines.
• 18 LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs
• Selectable LVCMOS_CLK or LVPECL clock inputs
• PCLK, nPCLK supports the following input types: LVPECL, CML, SSTL
• LVCMOS_CLK accepts the following input levels: LVCMOS or LVTTL
• Maximum output frequency: 250MHz
• Output skew: 150ps (maximum)
• Part to part skew: 750ps (maximum)
• Additive phase jitter, RMS: < 0.03ps (typical)
• Full 3.3V and 2.5V or mixed 3.3V core, 2.5V output supply modes
• 0°C to 70°C ambient operating temperature
• Lead-Free package available
• Pin compatible with the MPC940L