Integrated Circuit Systems
The ICS8343-01 is a low skew, 1-to-16 LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffer and a member of the HiPerClockS™ family of High Performance Clock Solutions from ICS. The ICS8343-01 single ended clock input accepts LVCMOS or LVTTL input levels. The ICS8343-01 operates at 3.3V, 2.5V and mixed 3.3V input and 2.5V supply modes over the commercial temperature range. Guaranteed output and part-to-part skew characteristics make the ICS8343-01 ideal for those clock distribution applications demanding well defined performance and repeatability.
• 16 LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs
• 1 LVCMOS/LVTTL clock input
• CLK can accept the following input levels: LVCMOS, LVTTL
• Maximum output frequency: 200MHz
• Dual output enable inputs facilitates 1-to-16 or 1-to-8 input to output modes
• All inputs are 5V tolerant
• Output skew: 250ps (maximum)
• Part-to-part skew: 700ps (maximum)
• Full 3.3V and 2.5V or mixed 3.3V core/2.5V operating supply
• 0°C to 70°C ambient operating temperature
• Lead-Free package available
• Industrial temperature information available upon request