HP => Agilent Technologies
Hewlett-Packard’s HPMX-3002 is a silicon microwave monolithic integrated circuit driver amplifier housed in a S0-8 surface mount plastic package. It operates over the 150 - 960 MHz frequency range, and at 900 MHz it produces +23 dBm of saturated output power, has 30 dB of small signal gain and a 50 dB power control range. The amplifier has a wellmatched input, and an open collector output which provides good linearity and efficiency and is easy to externally match to 50 Ω for optimal power output.
• RFIC Medium Power Amplifier
• 150-960 MHz Operating Range
• +22 dBm Typ. PldB, +23 dBm Typ. Psat @ 900 MHz
• 50 dB Typ. Power Control Range
• 6 V, 160 mA Operation
• S0-8 Surface Mount Package with Improved Heatsinking
• Driver Amplifier for GSM Cellular Handsets
• Driver or Output Stage for 900 MHz ISM Band Transmitters
• Driver or Output Stage for Transmitters Operating in the 150-960 MHz Range