Honeywell Accelerometers
The HOA2862 series consists of an infrared emitting diode facing an NPN silicon phototransistor (HOA2862-001, -002) or photodarlington (HOA2862-003) encased in a black thermoplastic housing. Detector switching takes place whenever an opaque object passes through the slot between emitter and detector. The HOA2862 series employs metal can packaged components and has a 0.025 in.(.635 mm) x 0.040 in.(1.02 mm) vertical aperture in front of the detector. The narrow detector aperture is ideal for use in applications in which the maximum rejection of ambient light is important. For additional component information see SE1450, SD1440, and SD1410.
• Choice of phototransistor or photodarlington
• Wide operating temperature range
(-55°C to +100°C)
• Accurate position sensing
• 0.100 in.(2.54 mm) slot width