Micross Components
General Description
The HMC518 chip is a high dynamic range GaAs PHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifi er (LNA) which covers the 20 to 32 GHz frequency range. The HMC518 provides 15 dB of small signal gain, 3 dB of noise fi gure and has an output IP3 greater than 23 dBm. The chip can easily be integrated into hybrid or MCM assemblies due to its small size. All data is tested with the chip in a 50 Ohm test fi xture connected via 0.075mm (3 mil) ribbon bonds of minimal length 0.31 mm (12 mil). Two 0.025 mm (1 mil) diameter bondwires may also be used to make the RFIN and RFOUT connections.
Noise Figure: 3 dB
Gain: 15 dB
OIP3: 23 dBm
Single Supply: +3V @ 65 mA
50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
Die Size: 2.27 x 1.32 x 0.1 mm
Typical Applications
The HMC518 is ideal for use as a LNA or driver amplifier for:
• Point-to-Point Radios
• Point-to-Multi-Point Radios & VSAT
• Test Equipment and Sensors
• Military & Space