Hittite Microwave
General Description
The HMC263 chip is a GaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifi er (LNA) which covers the frequency range of 24 to 36 GHz. The chip can easily be integrated into Multi-Chip Modules (MCMs) due to its small (3.29 mm2) size. The chip utilizes a GaAs PHEMT process offering 22 dB gain from a single bias supply of + 3V @ 58 mA with a noise figure of 2.0 dB. All data is with the chip in a 50 ohm test fi xture connected via 0.076 mm (3 mil) diameter ribbon bonds of minimal length 0.31 mm (<12 mils). The HMC263 may be used in conjunction with HMC259, HMC264, or HMC265 mixers to realize a millimeterwave system receiver.
Excellent Noise Figure: 2.0 dB
Gain: 22 dB
Single Supply : +3V @ 58 mA
Small Size: 1.33 mm x 2.48 mm
Typical Applications
The HMC263 is ideal for:
• Millimeterwave Point-to-Point Radios