The Intersil HCTS85MS is a Radiation Hardened 4-bit high speed magnitude comparator. This device compares two binary, BCD, or other monotonic codes and presents the three possible magnitude results at the outputs (A>B, A<B, and A=B). The 4-bit input words are weighted (A0 to A3 and B0 to B3), where A3 and B3 are the most significant bits. The HCTS85MS is expandable without external gating, both serial and parallel operation.
• 3 Micron Radiation Hardened SOS CMOS
• Total Dose 200K RAD (Si)
• SEP Effective LET No Upsets: >100 MEV-cm2/mg
• Single Event Upset (SEU) Immunity < 2 x 10-9 Errors/Bit-Day (Typ)
• Dose Rate Survivability: >1 x 1012 RAD (Si)/s
• Dose Rate Upset >1010 RAD (Si)/s 20ns Pulse
• Latch-Up Free Under Any Conditions
• Fanout (Over Temperature Range)
-Standard Outputs: 10 LSTTL Loads
• Military Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
• Significant Power Reduction Compared to LSTTL ICs
• DC Operating Voltage Range: 4.5V to 5.5V
• LSTTL Input Compatibility
-VIL = 0.8V Max
-VIH = VCC/2 Min
• Input Current Levels Ii ≤ 5µA at VOL, VOH