The XE1610-OEMPVT GPS Receiver from RF Solutions is a GPS receiver product which features the revolutionary FirstGPS™ architecture. This complete GPS receiver solution provides high accuracy position and speed performance as well as high sensitivity and tracking capabilities in urban areas. The GPS Receiver comes in a small form factor package. The XE1610- OEMPVT delivers major advancements in GPS performance, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility. It is designed to simplify the embedded system integration process.
• High sensitivity: to -143 dBm tracking, superior urban performance.
• Position accuracy: < 5m CEP (50%) without SA (horizontal)
• Warm Start is under 40 seconds (50%)
• Hot Start is under 12 seconds (50%)
• Ultra low power: < 20 mA @ 3.3V full power, 3 additional low power modes
• Embedded ARM7TDMI
• Small form factor and low cost solution
• Ready-to-plug solution, fully autonomous PVT solution. Easily integrated into existing systems
• On-board RAM for GPS navigation data, on-board Flash memory back-up
• PPS output
• Bidirectional NMEA interface
• Real Time Clock with separate back-up power supply
• Automotive
• Asset management/tracking
• Palmtop, Laptop, PDA
• Location Based Services enabled devices
• Handheld receivers