FSA831L10X Datasheet - Fairchild Semiconductor

Fairchild Semiconductor
The FSA831 is a charger-detection IC with an integrated isolation switch for use with a micro/mini USB port. The FSA831 detects battery chargers and is compliant with USB Battery Charging Specification, Rev 1.2 (BC1.2). The algorithm incorporates Data Contact Detection (DCD), which ensures that the shorter, inner pins of the USB connector are making contact prior to continuing with battery charger detection. The device determines if a Dedicated Charging Port (DCP), Charging Downstream Port (CDP), or a typical PC host, called a Standard Downstream Port (SDP), is connected. If a charger is detected, the FSA831 determines whether the charger is a DCP or CDP.
MP3, Mobile Internet Device (MID), Cell Phone, PDA,
Digital Camera, Notebook and Netbook
Part Name
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