Fairchild Semiconductor
The FAN7563/FAN7564 is designed for Lithium-ion battery charger. This controls charging current and voltage of Lith ium - ion battery as constant current and constant voltage control IC and can be used for stand alone charger (FAN7563) and micom interface charger(FAN7564). In addition LDO regulator driving output which is integrated within FAN7564 enables to offer accurate reference voltage to power supply of micro controller, therefore, it features increasing stability and efficiency of charger set as well as minimizing external components of the set. Additionally, FAN7563/FAN7564 provide the protection functions like error flag, short circuit protection(LDO), and charging current control disable
• Constant Voltage & Constant Current Control
• Wide Operating Range of 2.5V ~ 16V
• Low-Side Source Return Current Sensing
• Externally Adjustable Charging Current Control
• Charging Current Monitoring
• Precision LDO Regulator Drive Ouptut (Adj) (Only FAN7564)
• Error signals of Output Dropout (LDO) (Only FAN7564)
• Current Limit (LDO) ( FAN7564 Only)