Socay Electornics Co., Ltd.
The SOD123 Series TVS/ESD is designed specifically to protect sensitive electronic equipment from voltage transients induced by ESD,lightning surge and other transient voltage events.
✦ Compatible with industrial standard package SOD-123
✦ For surface mounted applications in order to optimize board space
✦ Low leakage
✦ Uni and Bidirectional unit
✦ Glass passivated junction
✦ Low inductance
✦ Excellent clamping capability
✦ 200W Peak power capability at 10 × 1000µs waveform Repetition rate
(duty cycle):0.01%
✦ Fast response time: typically less than 1.0ps from 0 Volts to VBR min
✦ High Temperature soldering: 260°C/40 seconds at terminals
✦ Typical maximum temperature coefficient ΔVBR = 0.1% ×
VBR@25°C× ΔT
✦ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability 94V-0
✦ Matte tin lead–free Plated
✦ Halogen free and RoHS compliant
✦ Typical failure mode is short from over-specified voltage or current
✦ Whisker test is conducted based on JEDEC JESD201A per its table
4a and 4c
✦ IEC-61000-4-2 ESD 15kV(Air), 8kV (Contact)
✦ ESD protection of data lines in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2
✦ EFT protection of data lines in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4
TVS/ESD devices are ideal for the protection of low speed I/O
interfaces, VCC bus and other vulnerable circuits used in
Telecom, Computer, Industrial and Consumer electronic