Dallas Semiconductor -> Maxim Integrated
The DS89C420 offers the highest performance available in 8051-compatible microcontrollers. It features a redesigned processor core that executes every 8051 instruction (depending on the instruction type) up to 12 times faster than the original for the same crystal speed. Typical applications see a speed improvement of 10 times using the same code and crystal. The DS89C420 offers a maximum crystal speed of 33MHz, achieving execution rates up to 33 million instructions per second (MIPS).
■ 80C52 Compatible
- 8051 Pin and Instruction-Set Compatible
- Four Bidirectional I/O Ports
- Three 16-Bit Timer Counters
- 256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM
■ On-Chip Memory
- 16kB Flash Memory
- In-System Programmable through Serial Port
- 1kB SRAM for MOVX
■ ROMSIZE Feature
- Selects Internal Program Memory Size from 0 to 16k
- Allows Access to Entire External Memory Map
- Dynamically Adjustable By Software
■ 80C52 compatible
- 8051 pin and instruction-set compatible
- Four bidirectional I/O ports
- Three 16-bit timer counters
- 256 bytes scratchpad RAM
■ On-chip memory
- 16kB flash memory
- In-system programmable through serial port
- 1kB SRAM for MOVX
■ ROMSIZE feature
- Selects internal program memory size from 0 to 16k
- Allows access to entire external memory map
- Dynamically adjustable by software
■ High-speed architecture
- 1 clock-per-machine cycle
- DC to 33MHz operation
- Single-cycle instruction in 30ns
- Optional variable length MOVX to access fast/slow peripherals
- Dual data pointers with auto increment/decrement and toggle select
- Supports four paged modes
■ Power Management Mode
- Programmable clock divider
- Automatic hardware and software exit
■ Two full-duplex serial ports
■ Programmable watchdog timer
■ 13 interrupt sources (six external)
■ Five levels of interrupt priority
■ Power-fail reset
■ Early warning power-fail interrupt
Data Logging
Automotive Test Equipment
Motor Control
Magstripe Reader/Scanner
Consumer Electronics
Gaming Equipment
Appliances (Washers, Microwaves, etc.)
Building Security and Door Access Control
Building Energy Control and Management
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Programmable Logic Controllers
Industrial Control and Automation