Maxim Integrated
The DS80C320/DS80C323 are fast 80C31/80C32-compatible microcontrollers. Wasted clock and memory cycles have been removed using a redesigned processor core. As a result, every 8051 instruction is executed between 1.5 and 3 times faster than the original for the same crystal speed. Typical applications see a speed improvement of 2.5 times using the same code and same crystal. The DS80C320 offers a maximum crystal rate of 33MHz, resulting in apparent execution speeds of 82.5MHz (approximately 2.5X).
■ 80C32-Compatible
8051 Pin and Instruction Set Compatible Four 8-Bit I/O Ports
Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters 256 Bytes Scratchpad RAM Addresses 64kB ROM and 64kB RAM
■ High-Speed Architecture
4 Clocks/Machine Cycle (8032 = 12) DC to 33MHz (DS80C320) DC to 18MHz (DS80C323)
Single-Cycle Instruction in 121ns Uses Less Power for Equivalent Work Dual Data Pointer Optional Variable Length MOVX to Access
Fast/Slow RAM/Peripherals
■ High-Integration Controller Includes: Power-Fail Reset Programmable Watchdog Timer Early Warning Power-Fail Interrupt
■ Two Full-Duplex Hardware Serial Ports
■ 13 Total Interrupt Sources with Six External
■ Available in 40-Pin DIP, 44-Pin PLCC, and 44-Pin TQFP