Maxim Integrated
General Description
Maxim's redesigned DG401/DG403/DG405 analog switches now feature guaranteed low on-resistance matching between switches (2Ωmax) and guaranteed on-resistance flatness over the signal range (3Ωmax). These low on-resistance switches (20Ωtyp) conduct equally well in either direction and are guaranteed to have low charge injection (15pC max). The new design offers lower off leakage current over temperature (less than 5nA at +85°C).
New Features
♦Plug-In Upgrade for Industry-Standard DG401/DG403/DG405
♦Improved rDS(ON)Match Between Channels (2Ωmax)
♦Guaranteed rFLAT(ON)Over Signal Range (3Ωmax)
♦Improved Charge Injection (15pC max)
♦Improved Off Leakage Current Over Temperature (<5nA at +85°C)
Existing Features
♦Low rDS(ON)(30Ωmax)
♦Single-Supply Operation +10V to +30V
Bipolar-Supply Operation ±4.5V to ±20V
♦Low Power Consumption (35µW max)
♦Rail-to-Rail Signal Handling Capability
♦TTL/CMOS-Logic Compatible
Sample-and-Hold Circuits
Test Equipment
Guidance and Control Systems
Heads-Up Displays
Communications Systems
Battery-Operated Systems
Audio Signal Routing
Military Radios