Dialog Semiconductor
General Description
DA7217 is a high-performance, low-power audio codec optimized for use in headsets or wearable devices. It has differential headphone outputs for use inside headset devices, offering excellent left to right channel separation and common mode noise rejection. DA7217 also has a stereo DAC to headphone output path and ultra-low power operating modes to support always-on audio detect applications.
DA7217 contains two analog microphone input paths, or up to four digital microphone input paths, or a combination of both. The other chip in this family, the DA7218, has single-ended headphone outputs, and has been designed with headphone detect for use in accessories.
■ High performance stereo DAC to headphone
playback path with 110 dB dynamic range
■ 4 mW stereo playback power consumption
■ DAC digital filters with audio and voice mode
options, five-band equalizer and five
programmable biquad stages
■ Dedicated low-latency digital sideband filter
with three programmable biquad stages
■ High performance microphone to ADC record
path with 105 dB dynamic range
■ 2.5 mW stereo record power consumption
■ ADC digital filters with audio and voice mode
■ 500 µW always-on record mode with
automatic level detection
■ Hybrid analog / digital automatic level control
to dynamically control the record level
■ Shutdown mode offering current consumption
during standby of 2.5 µA
■ Two low-noise microphone bias regulators
with programmable output voltage and ultralow power mode
■ A high efficiency two-level, true-ground charge
pump for generating class-G headphone
■ Voice mode filtering up to 32 kHz
■ Flexible digital mixing from all seven inputs to
all six outputs with independent gain on each
mixer path
■ Ability to run the ADCs at a different sample
rate to the DACs on a single I2S interface
■ Digital tone generator with built-in support for
■ System controller for simplified, pop-free startup and shutdown
■ Phase-locked loop with sample rate tracking
supporting MCLK frequencies from 2 MHz to
54 MHz
■ Automatic tuning of on-chip reference
oscillator for clock-free operation in low-power
■ 4-wire digital audio interface with support for
I2S, four-channel I2S, TDM and other audio
■ 2-wire I2C compatible control interface with
support for High Speed mode up to 3.4 MHz
■ 24-bit data at up to 96 kHz sample rate
■ The headphone amplifier can be run directly
from the supply, thus eliminating the need for
charge pump capacitors
■ Hearables
■ Wireless and wired headphones
■ Wireless and wired headsets